Sunday, 8 November 2015

Françoise Nielly's Arwork

Françoise Nielly's Arwork

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Françoise Nielly is a famous artist knife painter from French , Marseille. She paints using knives and thick brush to make vibrant and colourful closeup portraits of people . 
In all of her portraits she blends of bold colors streak across the canvas to create a lively and beautiful art, as faces emerge from her stark, solid backgrounds. Nielly's subjects usually use people portrait often have a burning gaze and facial expressions that suggest strong and salacious desires. 

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Françoise Nielly

Expressive painting, exhibiting a brute force, a fascinating vital energy. Oil and knife combine sculpt her images from a material that is , at the same time, biting and incisive, charnel and sensual. Whether she paints the human body or portraits, the artist takes a risk : her painting is sexual, her colors free, exuberant, surprising, even explosive, the cut of her knife incisive, her color pallet dazzling. Françoise Nielly is a passionate woman who loves life, wide open spaces, sushi, blue lagoons, the Internet, humor, books, Paris, New-York and Vancouver. Resolutely inscribed in her epoch, she is an accomplished artist ; 20 years of artistic expression explain the maturity of her work and the perfect mastery of her art. She lives and paints in Paris near Montmartre; shows and sells her work in Europe, in Canada and in the United States.

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